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Attorney for Negligence & Abuse at Aperion Care Tolleston Park

When your loved one can no longer care for themselves, or they have extensive medical needs, it may be time to make the decision to place them in the care of a nursing home. These facilities are designed to provide personalized, daily life care as well as tend to the medical needs of the elderly.

These places of rest, comfort, and recuperation should be staffed with well-qualified, reliable, caring staff. Unfortunately, many facilities are understaffed, leaving the needs of residents in jeopardy, and risk for abuse and neglect.

It’s a sad and scary reality to face, but millions of American senior citizens are abused and neglected while in nursing home care. Over half a million cases of elder abuse are officially reported each year, while millions more may go unreported when an individual can’t or won’t communicate that there is a problem.

Choosing a Nursing Home

You can help ensure the safety of your loved one by making the right choice in nursing homes. Choose a facility that is highly rated with a good health inspection history. You can find detailed reports and the latest health inspection findings on Read online reviews, see what other families have experienced. Then, make a list of your top selections.

Take a tour of each of the facilities on your list. Take note, however, that tours will be planned experiences, dedicated to casting the property in the best light possible. If you can, stop by your top selections on a random, non-tour day to get a feel for how things look when they aren’t tour-ready.

Levin & Perconti seek to assist families in making their selection by sharing Medicare ratings and summaries of recent health inspection reports on our site for select Indiana nursing homes. It is our hope that in sharing information in this easily accessible format, we can help prevent further occurrences of the many elder abuse cases we’ve seen such as:

About Aperion Care Tolleston Park

Aperion Care is a large network of nursing home, assisted living, rehabilitative, and mental health facilities. While many of these facilities are outstanding, with above average ratings for their care and staffing, there are also many operating with extremely low staff and performing at below and much below average with severe health violations – Aperion Care Tolleston Park is, unfortunately, one of these.

Aperion Care Tolleston Park
2350 Taft St.
Gary, IN 46404

Aperion Care Tolleston Park is a 180 certified bed nursing home facility in Gary, Indiana. It specializes in short term rehabilitation, physical therapy, and skilled nursing services 24 hours a day. They offer personalized care plans “ensuring you have a comfortable healing experience while you recover and prepare to return home.” Other amenities include cable TV, Wi-Fi, regularly scheduled activities, and a full-service beauty salon.

This facility currently holds a much below average rating with, with a staggering 46 complaints that resulted in a citation in the past 3 years. (The Indiana average is 5.8 per year.)

04/17/2018 Failure in timely report of suspected abuse, neglect, or theft and report the results of the investigation to proper authorities. A resident self-advocated and requested a surveyor to come and speak with her. She indicated that she had been repeatedly mistreated by staff during the evening shift and was speaking up now only because she hurt badly enough to keep her awake. She indicated that a new CNA put her to bed with a wet brief, after she had been sitting wet for some time. She then stated that the CNA hurt her left arm, she was shoving that pillow under my arm and pulling.

The resident told staff she was hurting her, however, she continued to be rough. She did not report the pain nor the rough treatment indicating. If you tell one something then they will tell them all, they all are going to be mad with me.

“The only reason I’m telling you now is because I hurt all night. I don’t know why they are

so mean to me. I don’t ask nobody for nothing. It only takes 15 minutes to put me to bed,

that’s all I ask, and I don’t bother anyone else for the rest of the night. Sometimes I’m

thirsty and I don’t even ask for water.” The resident then began to cry.

An investigation was opened and found that the resident was supposed to be cared for in pairs for turning and transfers, which was not the treatment she received.

04/17/2018 Failure to Provide care and assistance to perform activities of daily living for any resident who is unable. The facility failed to provide appropriate care in hygiene and nutrition for multiple residents. One resident was observed receiving continence care at 10:45am, brief soaked with urine and full of feces.

The CNA indicated that was the first time she had checked him during her shift, and that the midnight shift should have changed him. The residents’ care plan indicates that he should be checked every two hours. Another resident was observed during continence care and was not cleaned properly.

Other complaints include failure to assist in feeding a resident when necessary, and yet another resident observed in bed with a brown stained pillowcase, dry peeling skin, and untamed, unkempt hair. Records reflected that that resident had only received 5 bed baths in the past 30 days and no indication of clean linen or grooming.

09/26/2018 Failure to ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provides adequate supervision to prevent accidents. Proper supervision and fall interventions were not made for two residents, resulting in injuries. One resident slid or rolled from their bed on multiple occasions, resulting in multiple hospital trips for evaluation. Another resident who experienced a fall and major injury was observed with their call light on the floor, out of reach, and other interventions indicated in their care plan not in place.

Protecting Your Loved One in Nursing Home Care

Choosing the best facility for your loved one isn’t the end of the job of protecting your loved one from negligent or abusive care. Once you’ve placed your loved one in the facility of your choice, be sure to visit them regularly to keep tabs on their comfort and care. Stopping by, even briefly, will allow you to see how your loved one is being cared for firsthand. Be aware of these signs of abuse and neglect:

  • Severe, untreated bedsores
  • Unexplained injuries like bruises, burns, or scars
  • Weight loss or appearance of malnourishment not due directly to an illness
  • Multiple visits to the emergency room
  • Medication problems – wrong or missed doses
  • Poor hygiene or soiled clothes
  • Instances of wandering from the facility
  • Frequently misplaced or lost personal items
  • An unkempt room or bathroom, dirty linens, foul smells
  • Unusual behavior (violent, withdrawn, depressed, anxious)
  • Signs of trauma like rocking back and forth

When you suspect negligence or abuse, take action. Document all your observations and take your concerns to the administration. It is your right to ask questions and get clear, compassionate, professional answers – anything less should not be tolerated. If your concerns are not addressed in an appropriate manner, and you cannot come to a reasonable resolution with the management on your own, it may be time to seek legal counsel.

Our attorneys stand for the rights of nursing home and health care facility residents. We are leading the way in bringing abusive and negligent nursing home facilities to justice, as well as getting residents and their families the compensation they deserve.

If you feel that your loved one may be the subject of elder abuse or neglect while in the care of any Indiana nursing home or rehabilitation facility, Contact Levin and Perconti online, or call us at 877-374-1417 to get the help you need in protecting your loved one today.

Disclaimer: The above inspection findings are taken from public sources, including the Indiana Department of Health and from Medicare inspection conducted at the facility. Levin & Perconti cannot confirm that this page’s content represents the latest information available. The inspection findings published here are not complete. You may find the most up to date information at or Any deficiencies/citations listed on this page may have been corrected or substantially corrected after the date of the inspection and date of publishing this material. This page is a legal advertisement and a resource of information for visitors. This material is not endorsed by the facility identified or by any governmental agency. Levin and Perconti does not have any affiliation with the facility mentioned.


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