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Reminder: The Seat Belt = The Life Saver

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John J. Perconti

Content Reviewed by: John J. Perconti

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John J. Perconti is one of the nation’s leading medical malpractice attorneys with over 40 years of experience litigating medical malpractice and personal injury cases in state and federal courts. He studied pre-med before law school, which gave him an in-depth understanding of complex medical issues that have played an important role in his success. Having lost his father at age nine, he understands how injuries and deaths affect families. He has won numerous multimillion-dollar record verdicts. His honors and awards include a Lead Counsel Rating in Elder Law, Best Lawyers in America, and Illinois Super Lawyers.

As I am sure you know, seatbelts save lives. By not wearing your seat belt, or by wearing it improperly, this can be deadly. Recently, a 41-year old driver was headed northbound on Interstate 55, north of Lincoln, Illinois, when his vehicle got jammed in the guardrail and became totally disabled. He was stuck in the middle of the left and right lanes.

While stuck in this position, his vehicle was struck in the rear by a vehicle headed northbound. From here, his vehicle was struck yet again by a second vehicle. The 41-year old driver was killed in this car accident.

It was discovered that he was not wearing seat belt. Had he been properly wearing his seat belt, there is a chance that he would have survived this car accident. Nearly every day of the year, around 6,400 people are injured in a car crash. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the proper use of a seat belt reduces serious injury and death in auto accidents by around 50 percent! Simply put, and per the CDC, wearing a seat belt is the most effective way to save your life and reduce the risk of being seriously injured.

According to the United States Department of Transportation, if seat belt use increased to 90 percent, for example, this could save around 1,652 lives and could prevent around 22,372 serious bodily injuries every year! In the year 2007, the proper use of seat belts saved around 15,147 lives.

Millions of Americans do not wear their Seat Belt!

Despite the fact that seat belt use can save lives and prevent injuries, and despite the fact that seat belt use is free, millions of Americans continue to not wear their seat belts! The CDC found, following their survey, that one in eight adult drivers fail to wear their seat belt on every trip.

According to their survey, the CDC discovered that adult drivers between the ages of 18 – 34 are nearly 10 percent less likely to buckle up when compared to adult drivers over the age of 35. Also, CDC found that adult women drivers are 10 percent more likely to wear their seat belt when compared to adult men drivers. Lastly, the CDC found that, adult drivers who live and drive in rural locations are 10 percent less likely to wear their seat belt when compared to adult drivers in urban locales. It is reported that 87 percent of urban drivers wear their seat belt while only 78 percent of rural drivers wear their seat belts.

Illinois’ Seat Belt Law

CDC further found that if a state enacts a “primary seat belt law”, this makes a huge difference in making adult drivers wear their seat belt. There are 33 states that have such a primary seat belt law. Illinois is one of these states. A primary seat belt law, in short, means that police officers may stop and issue citations to adult drivers, or passengers, who are not properly wearing a seat belt.

Illinois’ seat belt law requires all drivers and passengers (over the age of eight) to properly wear a seat belt. If you, or your passenger, are busted for not wearing a seat belt, Illinois enforces a $25.00 fine. This fine does not include any court costs that you may incur as well.  Even with this law in place, and according to CyberDriveIllinois, an excess of 46,735 were found to be in violation of Illinois’ seat belt law.

Take Action

If you are injured from a car accident at the fault of another driver, it is important that you hire an experienced personal injury attorney. The Illinois personal injury lawyers at Levin & Perconti are fully capable of aggressively representing you during this difficult time. Call us today at (312) 332-2872 or toll free (877) 374-1417 to schedule a FREE consultation.

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