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10 Must Ask Questions For Nursing Home Councils

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Steven M Levin

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Steven M Levin

Content Reviewed by: Steven M Levin

Accordion Content

Since 1976, Steve Levin has been dedicated to helping people injured by others’ negligence. He is one of the first attorneys in the U.S. to prosecute nursing homes for abuse and negligence. He’s also helped write new legislation that governs the operation of nursing homes, including the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act. Moreover, Levin & Perconti has obtained the top three jury verdicts in nursing home negligence cases in Illinois.

Family Members Should Be Attending Resident Council Meetings with These 10 Questions

Nursing home administrators should allow for regular resident council or family council meetings. If they do not, it may be a sign that those residing in the facility may not be receiving the attention needed and care standards are not being met, triggering a higher risk of abuse and neglect. It’s the suggestion of the nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at Levin & Perconti to request information about the dates and times of resident council or family council meetings and plan to attend. These councils are usually organized and managed by the residents or other residents’ families to address concerns and improve the quality of care and life for all residents.

If you’re able to attend a meeting with your loved one or on behalf of them, ask a council member whether it be another resident, care staff or administrator the following 10 questions and take notes:

  1. What improvements were made to better the quality of life for residents in the last year, the last 6 months, the last 30 days?
  2. Have there been any major disruptions related to the regular care routine of residents or staff? If so, can you review a detailed report outlining the issue?
  3. What are the plans for future improvements and who will be accountable for seeing them through?
  4. How has the nursing home responded to recommendations for improvement?
  5. Are there any ongoing concerns the council is responsible for investigating?
  6. Who does the council report to?
  7. How does membership on the council work?
  8. Who sets the agendas for meetings?
  9. How are decisions made (for example, by voting, consensus, or one person makes them)?
  10. How are residents and family members informed of meeting notes and conclusions?

In addition to attending regular organized meetings, make it a point to also visit your loved one’s nursing home on a different day of the week and at a different time of day than your regular visit. If you can’t be there in person, call to check-in often. Be sure to always ask both your loved one and their care staff questions about everyday life, nursing home living spaces, staff changes, medication, residents’ privacy, ailments, bathrooms, menus and food, activities, safety, and alert officials of any suspicious behaviors, occurrences of neglect or suspected injuries.

Skilled Attorneys Can Speak Against Nursing Home Wrongdoers

At Levin & Perconti, we have long been advocates for taking steps to limit the chance for vulnerable nursing home care to be exploited. Our firm is home to the most widely-known and respected nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys and legal support in Illinois, achieving multiple million dollar verdicts and settlements.

Our experiences have helped us empathize with the families of nursing home neglect and abuse victims and help them move forward once trust has been broken and care is at risk. In Illinois, there is a time limit to file a case like this, so please contact us now for a free consultation with one of our skilled nursing home attorneys.

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