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How Common Is Nursing Home Abuse in Illinois?

Elderly and disabled adults in nursing homes live with the constant threat of abuse, neglect, and maltreatment from the nursing home staff they rely on to protect their health and safety. Nursing home abuse is a nationwide crisis, and unfortunately, Illinois is not exempt. State inspectors found 959 serious resident care violations in 2023 and 515 violations through the first half of 2024.

These numbers only cover cases inspectors observed during inspections. Nursing home abuse and neglect often go undetected until residents suffer serious injuries or death, and most cases never come to light. The National Council on Aging estimates that only 1 in 24 cases of elder abuse is reported, demonstrating how common nursing home abuse in Illinois is.

How Illinois Compares to National Nursing Home and Elder Care Abuse Statistics

A ProPublica study identified the worst states for nursing home abuse. While not in the top eight, Illinois came close. Approximately 38 percent of Illinois nursing homes had serious deficiencies during the last three years, missing eighth place by just two points. State regulators fine nursing homes for deficiencies, with higher fines tied to more serious violations. The average fines issued to Illinois nursing homes were the fourth-highest in the country.

National Nursing Homes Abuse Statistics

Nursing home abuse is prevalent throughout the United States. The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates that one in six elders experience abuse, and studies have found higher incidences in institutional settings, such as nursing homes. According to the studies, the rates of abuse at nursing homes range as follows:

  • Physical abuse – 14.1 to 29 percent
  • Psychological abuse – 33.4 percent
  • Financial exploitation – 7 to 13.8 percent
  • Neglect – 11.6 to 14 percent
  • Sexual abuse – 1.9 to 7 percent
  • Resident-to-resident abuse – 22 percent

Due to underreporting, we know that the real percentages are higher. As many as 51 percent of staff interviewed admitted to psychologically abusing residents during the previous year, including yelling and swearing at residents, improperly isolating them, and withholding food. Fifty percent admitted to pushing, shoving, and grabbing residents.

These numbers increase when interviewing residents. In a study of over 2,000 residents, 44 percent stated that they had experienced abuse, and 95 percent experienced neglect or witnessed other residents being neglected. According to the World Health Organization, nearly two-thirds of staff admit to committing nursing home abuse during the last year.

We Stand Up for Victims of Nursing Home Abuse

If you or your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Our nationally recognized Illinois nursing home abuse lawyers have been standing up to nursing homes for more than 32 years and have recovered over $2 billion.

We were among the first law firms in the nation to sue nursing homes, and our knowledge of nursing home abuse law is unsurpassed. We charge no upfront fees, and we advance the cost of litigation. You only pay if we win.

Call (312) 332-2872 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

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