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Attorney for Negligence Claims at Heritage Health Gibson City

When you help a senior family member transition into assisted living, you trust that the staff are qualified professionals who will provide the best care possible for your loved one. You expect them to administer dignified, compassionate medical and personal care at all times and keep your relative healthy and comfortable during their stay.

Most nursing homes and care facilities meet these expectations and offer an improved quality of life for elderly residents who can no longer live independently. Unfortunately, all too many others fail to make good on promises of professional care and instead allow residents to suffer neglect and abuse. A combination of staff shortages, overcrowding, and lack of government oversight has in recent years led to an increase in reports of abuse in nursing homes, and there are no reliable solutions yet.

This is why Levin & Perconti has made it their mission to not only fight for the rights of nursing home abuse victims but to inform and educate seniors and their families about how to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a negligent nursing home. We give tips on how to pick a safe, highly rated facility and share public information about specific nursing homes for you to use in your research.

About Heritage Health Gibson City

620 East First Street
Gibson City, IL 60936
(217) 784-4257

Heritage Health Gibson City is a Medicare-certified facility with 60 beds and offers a restorative program, respite care, and adult daycare.

Medicare gives Heritage Health Gibson City an overall rating of Above Average. This rating is comprised of three other separate ratings: a Much Above Average quality measures rating, Average staffing rating, and Average health inspection rating.

In addition to its ratings, Medicare also publishes recent health inspection reports. These reports can give valuable insight into the types of deficiencies found at individual nursing homes. Below is a sampling of deficiencies found at Heritage Health Gibson City.

1/17/2019 Failure to develop and implement a complete care plan that meets all the resident’s needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured. The facility failed to develop a comprehensive care plan that addressed a resident’s nutritional and vision needs. Documentation did not include a nutritional care plan or recent changes in the resident’s vision.

1/17/2019 Failure to provide appropriate pressure ulcer care and prevent new ulcers from developing. Staff failed to implement pressure reducing interventions and thorough pressure wound treatment for a resident. A resident with a pressure wound on the heel was observed sitting all day without pressure relieving boots. Additionally, the staff failed to apply medication to the entire wound.

1/17/2019 Failure to ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provides adequate supervision to prevent accidents. The facility failed to provide supervision during meals and failed to investigate a fall and implement post-fall interventions, affecting three residents. One resident on a pureed food diet was fed regular consistency food by a second resident with severe cognitive impairment when staff failed to supervise the two residents during meal time.

A third resident who is documented as being at high risk for falls was assumed to have not fallen when repeatedly found kneeling on the floor in an arranged position and not given post-fall assessments after these incidents.

How to Protect Nursing Home Residents

As more and more seniors enter assisted living, more families must be concerned with the level of care and respect nursing home residents receive. Luckily there are ways to mitigate the risk of nursing home abuse so that you and your family can rest easier. The most important step you can take is to pick a facility with a proven record of quality caregiving.

To do this, thoroughly research reviews and ratings for any facility you are considering. This information is easy to find online at and elsewhere. You can learn more about the most promising facilities by scheduling tours of them. On these tours pay attention to the environment of each facility and ask probing questions about staff qualifications, ratios of staff to residents, and how they handle reports of abuse.

When you select the best possible nursing home for your loved one, visit them often so you can observe how well they’re being cared for. Residents are less likely to be targeted if they have frequent contact with friends and family. Visits also allow you to notice if anything seems off with your family member.

Learn the signs of abuse and neglect so you can watch for them in your relative. There are many, including

  • Untreated severe bedsores
  • Unexplained injuries like bruises, burns, or scars
  • Evidence of poor circulation like sunken cheeks or eyes
  • Weight loss or malnourishment not due directly to an illness
  • Frequent trips to the emergency room or doctor
  • Wrong type or the wrong amount of medication administered
  • Poor hygiene or unwashed clothes or hair
  • Instances of wandering or elopement
  • Frequently misplaced or lost personal items
  • A lack of basic necessities, including utilities, water, and food
  • A dirty room or bathroom
  • Frequent trouble sleeping
  • Unusual violent or withdrawn behavior

If you see any signs of abuse, document your observations and experiences and confront management immediately. They should be willing to hear you out and take immediate action to investigate and correct any abusive situations. However, if they fail to take your concerns seriously or protect your loved one from a repeat incident, it is probably time to seek legal action.

Levin & Perconti Are Here for You

Levin & Perconti are experts when it comes to handling nursing home abuse cases.

If you need the law on your side to protect a victim of nursing home abuse and neglect, Levin & Perconti has the experience and knowledge to help you. Our attorneys have won millions of dollars for the victims and families of victims of nursing home abuse in the state of Illinois,and we can do the same for you. We are available online or by phone any time. Just click or call Levin & Perconti at 888-424-5757 today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: The above health inspection findings are taken from public records kept and published by Medicare and the state of Illinois and are not complete. Levin & Perconti cannot confirm that this page’s content includes the latest information available. Any corrections or additions made to these public records after publication of this page will not be found here. For the most up-to-date information, visit or This page is a legal advertisement and informational resource for visitors and is not endorsed by the named facility or any government agency. Levin & Perconti does not have any affiliation with the named facility.


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