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Healthcare Provider Errors Lawyer

Patients put their lives into the hands of healthcare providers each day. Whether it is a doctor, nurse, technician or other hospital staff, patients rely on healthcare providers to operate by the standard of care. Unfortunately, no health care provider is perfect and mistakes are made that can lead to patient injury or death. Physicians and nurses who have busy schedules may make errors in writing information in charts, or not fully evaluate each patient they are treating or the complexity of a procedure.

Health Care Provider Errors are a Serious Problem

Some estimates indicate that mistakes made by health care providers may result in an injury in one out of every twenty five hospital patients. Additionally, preventable health care related injuries cost the economy as much $29 billion dollars. Some studies have indicated that health care provider error is the third leading cause of death in the United States.

What are Some Types Health Care Provider Errors?

Some of the most common types of health care provider error include:

  • Doctor error– For example, a doctor may misdiagnosis an ailment as something benign when it is actually more serious
  • Nursing error– Another example may be a nurse giving the wrong dosage of a drug
  • Hospital errors– Hospital errors may come up in the coding systems for patients, where their charts do not accurately reflect their conditions
  • Anesthesia error– It is possible for an anesthesiologist to give the wrong dosage of anesthesia causing potential brain damage
  • Surgical error– A surgical error may exist if the surgeon performs the surgery at the wrong site or leaves an instrument inside a patient
  • Pharmaceutical error– A drug may be prescribed without deference to a patient’s other medications or allergies.

The above are only a few of the potential many errors that could occur in a Hospital. The list above is not exhaustive, as there are many more ways a health care provider error can cause injury or death.

Sample Results in Health Care Provider Cases

When mistakes happen and patients are injured or killed, health care providers may be liable for medical malpractice. We have represented hundreds of victims since 1992 and may be able to help you receive compensation for your injuries. Our medical malpractice attorneys received a $7.62 million verdict for the family of a new mother who suffered postpartum bleeding. Her doctor was mistaken in ignoring her complaints and she bled to death as a result of this error. In another case, Levin & Perconti won a $5 million verdict against a doctor and medical resident for the death of a 14–year–old client with quadriplegia. The doctors mishandled our client’s breathing tube and lost her airway, leading to her death.

$7.62 million


against an HMO doctor who disregarded the mother’s complaints of postpartum bleeding, which resulted in her bleeding to death.

$5 million


against a doctor and resident for mishandling a breathing tube, losing our 14-year-old quadriplegic client’s airway, which led to her death.

Have You Been Injured by the Error of a Health Care Provider?

Many medical malpractice lawsuits are filed on behalf of victims who are injured or die because of a provider’s mistakes. If you believe that you or a loved one has been the victim of healthcare provider error in Illinois, please contact us online or at 877-374-1417 or 312–332–2872 for a FREE consultation with an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer.


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