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Las Cruces Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Victims of nursing home abuse can suffer serious physical injuries, debilitating emotional distress, and devastating financial losses. At Levin & Perconti, our Las Cruces nursing home abuse lawyers help victims and their families stand up to powerful nursing home facilities and demand justice.

According to the National Council on Aging, five million older people are abused every year, many while living in nursing homes and assisted care facilities. In fact, two-thirds of nursing home caretakers admit to abusing residents.

If you suspect that a family member has been the victim of abuse or neglect at a nursing home in Las Cruces, New Mexico, now is the time to stand up and take action. Your family may be entitled to compensation, and the Las Cruces nursing home abuse lawyers at Levin & Perconti are ready to help you fight to maximize your recovery.

Since 1992, we’ve been passionate, effective legal advocates for abused nursing home residents and their devastated families. Our award-winning trial attorneys stand up to powerful adversaries, winning millions in compensation for deserving clients in the process.

The nursing home may not care about your loved one, but our compassionate attorneys do. Call our law office to learn more about your legal rights and discover how Levin & Perconti can help you make things right. All consultations are free, so call now.

Las Cruces, NM

Why You Should Call Levin & Perconti if a Loved One Is Being Abused at a Las Cruces Nursing Facility

How can you prove that your family member has been abused or neglected by caretakers at a nursing home in Las Cruces? What kind of evidence will you need to make your case? What happens when the nursing home refuses to accept responsibility for the abuse or, worse, tries to blame your family member for their injuries?

Nursing homes in Doña Ana County can be powerful and intimidating. They’ll invest considerable resources to fight you as you try to answer important questions related to your nursing home abuse case.

Turning to the experienced Las Cruces personal injury lawyers at Levin & Perconti can set the stage for victory.

Our top-rated legal team will:

  • Coordinate an independent investigation into the level of care your family member received, as well as allegations of abuse and neglect
  • Interview key witnesses, including nursing home aides and staff, administration, and other residents
  • Gather and analyze critical pieces of evidence and medical records
  • Formally report allegations of nursing home abuse if you haven’t already contacted your local ombudsman
  • Aggressively negotiate the terms of a settlement with the nursing home, defense attorneys, insurance providers, and other liable parties, or take your case to trial

If the nursing home refuses to acknowledge the harm they’ve caused, our nationally recognized trial attorneys will be ready to argue your case before a jury in Doña Ana County.

When you trust our law firm with your nursing home abuse case, you’ll have time to help your loved one recover and move forward while we do the rest.


Nursing Homes in Las Cruces and Doña Ana County

Las Cruces and Doña Ana County are home to several nursing home facilities, including:

If you or a family member has been injured, abused, or neglected at one of these facilities or another nursing home in Las Cruces, reach out to Levin & Perconti for immediate legal assistance

Founders and Partner at Levin & Perconti at the office

We Handle All Types of Nursing Home Abuse Cases in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Nursing home abuse refers to actions and policies of caretakers and facilities that are harmful to residents. It can take many forms, including:

Physical Abuse

  • Hitting
  • Pushing
  • Shoving
  • Using physical restraints to prevent movement
  • Hair pulling

Emotional Abuse

  • Yelling
  • Intimidating
  • Threatening a resident
  • Humiliating a resident
  • Isolating a resident from other residents, friends, or family members
  • Giving the silent treatment
  • Moving objects from out of the resident’s reach, like glasses and walkers
  • Intentionally withholding food, water, or medication


  • Leaving residents alone for extended periods of time
  • Failing to get appropriate medical care for a resident
  • Not changing a resident’s clothes or bed linens
  • Failing to help a resident move, which can lead to bedsores and other health issues
  • Failing to treat a resident’s injuries
  • Failing to prevent falls
  • Medication administration errors or mismanagement
  • Failing to provide food and water, leading to malnutrition or dehydration
  • Failing to prevent wandering or elopement
  • Abandonment

Financial Abuse

  • Stealing a resident’s physical property, credit cards, or cash
  • Stealing a resident’s identity
  • Misappropriating a resident’s money

Sexual Abuse

  • Forced sexual contact between a resident and caretaker
  • Forced sexual contact between two or more residents
  • Forcing a resident to watch self-gratification or sex

Victims of nursing home abuse often experience multiple types of abuse. If you suspect that your loved one is being abused at a facility in Las Cruces, it’s important to reach out for help.

What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect?

Signs and symptoms of nursing home abuse depend on the type of abuse and the resident who’s being affected.

However, some of the most common signs of nursing home abuse and neglect include:

  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Sudden, unexplained changes in mood
  • Fearfulness
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Refusing to speak with or visit family members
  • Staff refusing to allow you to enter a resident’s room
  • Illness and infection
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Unexplained bruises, injuries, or restraint marks
  • STDs
  • Frequent falls
  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Unusual ATM withdrawals or financial transactions
  • Changes in powers of attorney, beneficiaries, or wills

Sometimes the signs of nursing home abuse are subtle. The best way to know if your family member is being abused is by visiting and speaking with them regularly and making note of any unusual changes in their appearance, behavior, or health.

What Can I Do If I Suspect Abuse at a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility in Las Cruces?

You suspect that your family member is being abused at a nursing home in Las Cruces — now what?

Speak with the resident.

First, speak with your family member. Bring up your concerns. Ask them what’s going on. There’s a chance that they’ll be too afraid or embarrassed to talk, but it is important to see if they can help you understand what’s going on.

Question nursing home staff and caretakers.

Next, ask the nursing home caretakers and staff about your family member’s condition. Bring up your concerns, and make note of what they say. Try to understand the level of care your family member has received and get to the bottom of any potentially abusive or neglectful behavior.

Bring your concerns to management.

If the staff isn’t helpful or refuses to answer your questions, take your concerns to management. Describe what you suspect is going on and ask for help.

Notify the police of imminent abuse.

If you believe that your family member is facing imminent harm, contact the Las Cruces Police Department immediately.

Report nursing home abuse.

If your loved one is being abused at a nursing home in Las Cruces, New Mexico, it’s important to put a stop to it immediately for their sake as well as the health and safety of other residents at the facility.

Nursing home abuse should be reported to the local police, the New Mexico Department of Health (800-445-6242), and the Long-Term Care Ombudsman (866-451-2901).

Trusted Las Cruces Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Ready to Fight for You

You trusted the nursing home to take care of your aging or elderly family member. That trust was betrayed the moment your family member was mistreated. There’s no excuse for nursing home abuse, and the abusive caretaker, physician, staff, or facility must be held fully accountable.

Contact the experienced Las Cruces nursing home abuse lawyers at Levin & Perconti for immediate legal assistance.

In addition to reporting the abuse to the authorities, you can fight back and demand financial justice for the injuries, financial losses, and suffering your family member has endured.

Our award-winning New Mexico elder abuse abuse attorneys are ready to help you get through this incredibly difficult time in your life. There are time limitations in filing a nursing home abuse lawsuit, so call our law office in Las Cruces to get started today. All consultations are free.

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