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Casa De Oro Center

Casa De Oro Center is a skilled nursing facility in Las Cruces with low ratings and inadequately trained staff. While the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid has not specifically flagged this facility for abuse, the risk is high. If your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse at Casa De Oro Center, Levin & Perconti can help.

Nursing home residents have the right to receive a reasonable standard of care and live in a safe, supportive environment. Even one instance of maltreatment is unacceptable. 

Nursing home abuse and neglect constitute the most blatant form of medical malpractice. A Las Cruces nursing home abuse lawyer helps families hold nursing homes accountable.

About Casa De Oro Center

Casa De Oro Center is a 158-bed for-profit facility located at the following address: 

1005 Lujan Hill Road 
Las Cruces, NM 88007-6304 
Phone: (575) 523-4573 

This facility is owned by Genesis Healthcare, one of the largest nursing home providers in the United States. Genesis has a reputation for offering substandard care and chronically understaffing its facilities to maximize profits. Casa De Oro Center provides the following services: 

  • Long-term care 
  • Short-term post-hospital rehabilitation 
  • Respite care
  • Palliative care 
  • Hospice care 
  • Dementia care 

This facility has received an overall Medicare rating of two stars, which is below average. Nursing Home Database has ranked Casa De Oro six out of seven nursing home facilities within a 25-mile radius.

History of Nursing Home Abuse at Casa De Oro Center

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has not specifically flagged Casa De Oro for abuse, but this does not mean abuse does not occur. According to the National Council on Aging, only one of every 24 cases of elder abuse are reported, and as many as one in 10 residents in senior communities has experienced abuse.

Health Violations at Casa De Oro Center

CMS has imposed $39,500 in fines against Casa De Oro Center during the past three years and denied payment once. The facility has had 45 health inspections since 2003. Skilled nursing facilities are typically inspected once annually. Excess inspections occur as a result of complaints and poor performance.  

Casa De Oro Center’s overall health inspections rating is two stars, which is below average. The facility has received 29 citations in the past year, significantly exceeding the national average of 8.4 and the state average of 15.5. 

As many as 23 complaints in the last three years have resulted in citations. One lawsuit has been filed against Casa De Oro Center.

2021 Annual Inspection

During an annual inspection, a small sample of residents is reviewed in multiple categories. As a result, CMS does not uncover every error or deficient practice by the nursing home. The most recent annual inspection of Casa De Oro Center occurred on December 7, 2021, during which CMS discovered multiple deficiencies. 

Deficiencies in Caring for Daily Resident Needs  

Inspectors found that Casa De Oro Center failed to respect patient dignity in the following instances:  

  • Failure to change resident’s clothing after spilling food on them twice at mealtime 
  • Failing to knock on two patient doors before entering  

The inspector also found that the facility failed to provide showers to patients according to their preferred schedules. Some patients were left without showers for as long as a week at a time. Inspectors observed patients that were notably dirty with greasy, unkempt hair, complaining that they were not showered often enough.  

Medical Negligence 

Casa De Oro Center failed to notify a resident’s daughter, who was the resident’s power of attorney, when the resident developed pneumonia. The daughter did not become aware of the diagnosis until 11 days later and requested the resident’s transfer to the hospital. This was also the subject of a complaint investigation that occurred on the same date. 

The facility failed to chart an accurate assessment of three residents:  

  • A resident that lacked bottom dentures received food she could not eat. 
  • A resident with a continuous positive airway pressure machine required respiratory treatment that was not charted, and the equipment was not cleaned and disinfected weekly to prevent infection.  
  • A resident’s Kennedy ulcer, which is considered terminal, was incorrectly coded as a pressure ulcer. 

The facility failed to develop and implement a care plan for three out of three residents reviewed for care plans, including residents with the following: 

  • A CPAP machine 
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes with dependency on solution medication  

Casa De Oro Center’s staff failed to provide appropriate Foley catheter care for three out of three residents sampled. Improper catheter care creates a heightened risk of infection. The inspector found the following deficiencies:  

  • Allowing a patient to self-administer a catheter without providing documentation, a medical assessment of the patient’s ability to do so, or supplies and equipment 
  • Failing to provide a privacy cover, which violated the patient’s dignity 
  • Storing two residents’ catheter bags on the floor 

The facility failed to provide adequate pain management for one of two patients sampled. The inspector observed the patient rocking back and forth and displaying anxiety while talking about the pain. Upon investigating, the inspector found the following: 

  • The medication was not provided as prescribed on multiple occasions. 
  • The pain level was not monitored.  
  • Changes in the pain level were not reported to the physician.  

The facility failed to implement an antibiotic use monitoring program that includes staff training and 48-hour re-evaluation timeouts.  

Unreported Patient Abuse 

In the case of one of two residents sampled for abuse, the facility failed to report the incident within two hours of occurrence. The resident’s roommate had attacked him and jumped on his chest shortly after midnight. This was not reported to the Department of Health Improvement until more than 12 hours later at 1:25 in the afternoon.  

Inadequate Staff Training 

A file review of three licensed practical nurses employed by the facility revealed that one of the nurses did not have any nursing competency. In addition, the facility failed to provide the required 12 hours of annual training for two of the three certified nursing assistants sampled.  

Negligent Practices 

The inspection uncovered the following instances of negligence: 

  • Unlocked medication carts  
  • Incomplete advance directive paperwork  
  • Incorrect diagnosis recorded in a patient’s chart

April 2022 Complaint Inspection

The facility was inspected as a result of a complaint on April 13, 2022, resulting in the following findings: 

  • Failure to revise an amputee’s care plan for vacuum-assisted wound closure  
  • Improper wound care for pressure ulcers  
  • Transferring a resident from wheelchair to bed with a defective Hoyer lift sling  
  • Failure to secure medications and needles in several medication carts  
  • Allowing a wheelchair-bound resident to move about with a Foley catheter bag dragging on the floor, putting the resident at risk for infections  
  • Failure to facilitate face-to-face visits with physicians at least once every 60 days for three of three patients reviewed  
  • Failure by staff to remove an isolation gown upon exiting the room of a COVID-positive resident and to wear a surgical mask in patient care areas

Quality of Care at Casa De Oro Center

Casa De Oro Center’s overall quality rating is below average, with the highest number of deficient practices impacting short-term residents. 

Short-Stay Quality of Care 

Casa De Oro Center’s short-stay quality rating is one star, which is the lowest rating available. Areas of concern include the following: 

  • Short-stay residents are more likely than the state and national averages to have outpatient emergency department visits.  
  • Approximately 5.1 percent of short-stay residents receive antipsychotic medications, compared to 1.8 percent nationally and 1.9 percent across the state. 
  • As many as 7.9 percent of Casa De Oro Center residents experience new or worsened pressure ulcers compared to a national average of 2.9 percent. 
  • Short-stay residents are less likely to experience improvement in their mobility compared to residents in nursing homes statewide and nationwide. 
  • Casa De Oro Center short-stay residents are more than three times as likely to experience one or more falls with major injuries during their stay. 
  • While 98.8 percent of short-stay residents nationwide undergo assessments of their functional abilities and goals, only 87.5 percent of short-stay residents receive such an assessment as Casa De Oro Center.  
  • Casa De Oro Center short-stay residents are less likely to be at or above an expected ability to care for themselves or move around upon discharge. 

Higher use of antipsychotic medications indicates improper use as a form of chemical restraint. Any instance of new or worsening pressure ulcers is unacceptable, as this nearly always points to neglect. 

Long-Stay Quality of Care 

CMS has given Casa De Oro Center a four-star rating for quality of care for long-term residents, with the following areas of concern: 

  • A higher incidence of pressure ulcers than the state or national averages 
  • A higher rate of long-term or permanent catheterization than state and national averages 
  • A higher incidence of worsened independence and mobility compared to the national average 
  • A higher percentage of residents who lose too much weight compared to state and national averages 
  • A higher percentage of long-stay residents who receive anti-anxiety or hypnotic medication

Report Suspected Nursing Home Abuse at Casa De Oro Center

If you suspect nursing home neglect or abuse at Casa De Oro Center, it is important to take immediate action to protect the victim. You do not have to have proof before you file a report. 

Suspected nursing home abuse should be reported to the following: 

If you have reason to suspect your loved one is in danger, call 911. If an injury occurs, you should also contact a New Mexico nursing home abuse attorney to discuss your legal options.

The Attorneys at Levin & Perconti Have Extensive Experience with Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Partners at Levin & Perconti in a conference room

Levin & Perconti are nationally recognized as leaders in nursing home abuse litigation. Our law firm was one of the first to take a stand against nursing homes, and we know what it takes to hold nursing homes accountable. Our successful case results include the following: 

  • $4.1 million record-breaking verdict on behalf of an 85-year-old woman injured as a result of improper medication management by a nursing home 
  • $2.7 million verdict for the family of a 67-year-old man who died as a result of a fall in a nursing home 
  • $2.8 million record nursing home pressure sore settlement for a 59-year-old nursing home resident who developed bedsores that took four years to heal 

If your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse at Casa De Oro Center, the Las Cruces nursing home abuse attorneys at Levin & Perconti can help you hold the nursing home accountable and get justice for your loved one. Contact us today for a free consultation.
