Falls in Nursing Homes
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,800 nursing home residents die from fall related injuries every year, and those who survive often suffer debilitating injuries from which they never fully recover.
Nursing home falls are common because residents are typically older and have difficulty walking due to muscle and bone density loss, medication side effects, poor vision and gait problems. However, nursing home falls are often preventable if employees take the proper steps to supervise and protect residents under their care.
What Should You do if a Family Member Suffered Serious Injuries in a Nursing Home Fall?
We recommend contacting a law firm with experience handling nursing home fall lawsuits to discuss your potential case. There are time limitations for filing nursing home lawsuits in Illinois, so it is important to take action as soon as possible to protect your rights.
We were one of the first firms in the country to represent clients in nursing home cases, and we are well-known and well-respected throughout Illinois for our work in nursing home cases. Our knowledgeable lawyers have handled hundreds of nursing home fall cases, and we can use this experience to evaluate your case to help you determine if your loved one’s injuries were the result of nursing home negligence.
Contact us online, or call us at 877-374-1417 or 312-332-2872 for a free and confidential consultation with an experienced attorney.
Every case is unique, but below are some of our recent nursing home verdicts and settlements:
$2.7 million
for the estate of a 67-year-old man who died from complications related to a fall at Southpoint Nursing Home on Chicago’s south side.
$1.4 million
against a nursing home for failure to manage a nursing home resident’s behavior which caused a shoving match, fall, hip fracture and death of a 79 year old fellow nursing home resident.
$1 million
for an 83-year-old nursing home resident who fell several times while a resident at the nursing home, with the last fall contributing to her death.
Common Causes of Nursing Home Fall Injuries
Nursing home staff plays an important role in protecting the safety of residents as they move about the facility. When a patient is admitted into a nursing home, staff must assess his or her risks for falls and identify and implement interventions to address these risks. Reassessments should occur after any fall or change in medical condition. Residents at risk should be monitored closely and receive assistance with transfers to prevent them from falling. Bed rails, non-skid footwear, appropriate arm chair with wheels locked at bedside, walkers and canes can be used to help prevent falls.
When nursing homes fail to implement proper precautions to address a resident’s risk for falls, and the resident is injured, family members should take action. Although some falls are unavoidable, oftentimes falls in nursing homes are a sign of nursing home negligence. We have handled many cases where residents have suffered serious injuries as a result of understaffing in long-term care facilities. When staff cannot properly supervise monitor residents, fall related injuries are more likely to occur.
Legally Reviewed by
Steven M. Levin
Contact Us
- Free Consultation
- (312) 332-2872
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Related Pages
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Bed Sores
- Broken Bones
- Chemical Restraints
- CILA Group Home Abuse
- Elder Abuse
- Falls
- Financial Exploitation
- Inadequate Training
- Malnutrition & Dehydration
- Medication Errors
- Overmedication
- Physical Restraints
- Poor Hygiene
- Sepsis
- Sexual Assault
- Understaffing
- Wandering & Elopement
- Wrongful Death
Notable Results
on behalf of an 85-year-old woman injured in a nursing home when her medications were mismanaged.
for the estate of a 67-year-old man who died from complications related to a fall
for a 59-year-old resident who developed multiple painful and infected bedsores which took four years to heal.
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- What are the four stages of bedsores?
- How much is a bedsore lawsuit worth?
- How long does it take to get bedsores?
- Can you die from bedsores?
- What are the three stages of sepsis?
- How can nursing home falls be prevented?
- Are bedsores preventable?
- What Is nursing home liability insurance?
Our Office
325 N LaSalle Dr Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60654