Nursing Home Liability Insurance
One of the most difficult decisions in life is deciding to move a family member or loved one into a long-term care facility. When you do, you trust the facility will protect your loved one’s safety and well-being. Unfortunately, all too often, nursing homes break this trust and residents are injured or killed. When this happens, it is crucial that victims receive fair compensation for their injury or loss. However, nursing homes often protect themselves from being held responsible by operating with little or no liability insurance.
Illinois Does not Require Nursing Homes to Carry Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is a legal concept that requires a person who caused damages to pay for the damages they have caused. Hospitals often have malpractice policies and significant general liability policies. However, many people are surprised to learn that nursing homes in Illinois are not required to carry liability insurance. There have been many proposals in the Illinois Legislature to require nursing homes to carry liability insurance, however many of these proposals have failed to get traction. Unfortunately, the majority of these bills have not even made it past committee, one of the earliest stages of getting a bill passed.
Therefore, when a resident is injured or dies from nursing home abuse or neglect, the home cannot cover this loss. This leaves families and individuals powerless because it takes away their ability to receive fair and reasonable compensation for the harms caused. Family members feel as though they are trapped and cannot proceed forward with a claim. It is very important for family members to research a nursing home’s insurance coverage in order to choose a facility that is covered. This may help to protect your family and ensure compensation in the event that your loved one suffers a serious personal injury or death caused by nursing home negligence.
Receiving Compensation From a Nursing Home
If a nursing home does not have sufficient insurance coverage or is without insurance coverage at all, an injured patient’s ability to recover damages for their injuries is significantly impaired. All too often, because nursing homes have small coverage or no policy at all, individuals are often discouraged from filing a lawsuit or pursuing a claim because people worry that what they may recover will not outweigh the costs of a lawsuit. That is why we offer free consultations and will not collect fees from you unless you recover. Our team of experienced nursing home lawyers will fight to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.
How Can Illinois Injury Attorneys Help?
If you believe that a nursing home’s negligence led to the injury or death of your loved one, you may be able to seek compensation for your devastating injury loss. Since 1992, we have worked with families throughout Illinois to ensure that wrongdoers are held accountable for nursing home neglect or abuse. Contact us at 312-332-2872 or 877-374-1417 to discuss your potential claim, or fill out our online Contact Us form and a Chicago injury lawyer will call you back for a free and confidential case evaluation.
Legally Reviewed by
Steven M. Levin
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- Free Consultation
- (312) 332-2872
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- Wrongful Death
Notable Results
on behalf of an 85-year-old woman injured in a nursing home when her medications were mismanaged.
for the estate of a 67-year-old man who died from complications related to a fall
for a 59-year-old resident who developed multiple painful and infected bedsores which took four years to heal.
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- What are the four stages of bedsores?
- How much is a bedsore lawsuit worth?
- How long does it take to get bedsores?
- Can you die from bedsores?
- What are the three stages of sepsis?
- How can nursing home falls be prevented?
- Are bedsores preventable?
- What Is nursing home liability insurance?
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325 N LaSalle Dr Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60654