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Christian County Nursing Home Information

Christian County is located in central Illinois. The county seat is Taylorville, IL and other towns include Pana and Assumption. There are 34,800 people living in Christian County according to the 2010 census.

Although our law firm is located in Chicago, we frequently assist families and individuals throughout the entire state of Illinois, including those in Christian County and the surrounding areas. We are happy to represent the interest of individuals from Christian County in their cases against nursing homes and have experience doing so. As a result of this experience, our Illinois nursing home neglect attorneys are well-equipped with the resources and understanding of nursing home litigation to handle your lawsuit against a Christian County nursing home.

For over twenty years, we have helped victims recover fair compensation if they or a loved one have been injured due to negligence or abuse in a long-term care facility. Our lawyers are among the most well-known attorneys in the state when it comes to nursing home lawsuits, and our colleagues frequently refer their clients’ nursing home cases to us because we have a proven track record of success.

Why Should You Choose Our Firm?

When seeking a nursing home attorney in Illinois, it is important to choose a firm with the experience needed to handle complex nursing home lawsuits in Illinois, including matters involving pressure sores, falls, wandering and elopement, medication errors and physical, sexual and verbal abuse.

If you suspect your loved one’s serious injuries stem from nursing home negligence or physical abuse, you should take immediate action to hold any and all wrongdoers accountable. Neglect or abuse in nursing homes should never be tolerated. Call one of our Illinois nursing home lawyers today for a free, no-risk consultation to discuss your case. You will only pay us if we take your case and we receive an outcome in your favor. Call us toll-free at 877-374-1417 or Contact Us through our website.

How Can Our Nursing Home Attorneys Help?

Since 1992, our attorneys have successfully handled lawsuits against hundreds of nursing homes throughout the state and have achieved record verdicts and settlements in a number of cases. Visit our Successful Cases page to view some of these exceptional results.

Have You Been Injured in a Nursing Home?

If you or a loved one has received an injury in a nursing home due to the negligence of another, it is important to contact an experienced attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation on your case.

  • Pana, IL Nursing Homes We Have Handled Cases Against Include:
  • Name of Nursing Home: Prairie Rose Healthcare Center
  • Address: 900 South Chestnut Street, Pana, IL 62557
  • Type of Ownership:* Non-Profit Corporation
  • Owner(s) with 20 percent or greater interest:* M.P. Kuhl, D.P. Gavin, L.K. Frank, M.A. Ahearn
  • CMS Nursing Home Compare Overall Rating:** 3 out of 5 stars

* Information from the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Nursing Homes in Illinois website on 7/6/2012

** Information from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Nursing Home Compare website on 7/6/2012
