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Chicago Product Liability Lawyer

Products liability is an area of personal injury law that focuses on dangerous and defective products. Our firm represents plaintiffs in the Chicago, Illinois area in matters against corporations or manufacturers who have sold or manufactured unsafe products to consumers.

What is Included in Product Liability?

“Products” in this instance cover a wide range of categories, including:

At Levin & Perconti, we are particularly proud of the changes that our efforts have brought in this area. In many instances, we have not only recovered substantial verdicts and settlements for our clients, but also helped to ensure that the defective product was removed from the market and prevented from causing any further pain, suffering, and damage.

The Chicago personal injury lawyers at Levin & Perconti brought a case against Orion Research Inc. and Baxter Health Care Corporation for a flawed test for the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. The failures of the test led a set of parents to have a second cystic child. While recovering a substantial settlement for the family, the firm and the family were more concerned with the discontinuation of the test. As a result of our efforts, the test was eliminated.

In another case of product liability, Levin & Perconti recovered a $3 million settlement against a car manufacturer of a vehicle that improperly designed the fuel delivery system of a vehicle, resulting in a fuel-fed fire after a head-on collision which killed the occupants of the vehicle.

$3 million


against a car manufacturer that improperly designed the fuel delivery system of a vehicle, resulting in a fuel-fed fire after a head-on collision which killed the occupants of the vehicle.

$1.25 million


for a 70-year-old patient who, as a result of treatment for prostate cancer, suffered radiation burns to the rectal wall due to improper placement of radioactive seeds (brachytherapy) in the prostate requiring numerous surgeries and loss of all bladder and bowel function.



against Rush Presbyterian and a doctor who administered a 17-year-old plaintiff brachytherapy for a cancerous tumor on the back of her leg and during the brachytherapy caused serious burns which took two years to heal.

Contact Our Product Liability Lawyers Today

If you’ve had an incident with a product that caused an injury, or are the survivor of someone who may have died from the use or exposure to a dangerous or defective product, it’s important that you know your rights under the law. Contact us online or call us at 877-374-1417 or 312-332-2872 to set up a FREE consultation with a Chicago injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.

Product, Medication and Medical Device Alerts

  • Our lawyers are now investigating potential cases involving injuries and deaths associated with supplemental testosterone therapy. Follow the link to learn more about potential testosterone therapy lawsuits in Illinois.
  • Recently, Johnson & Johnson’s artificial joint division, DePuy Orthopaedics, recalled their ASR XL Acetabular System and their ASR Hip Resurfacing System. Many patients who received DePuy hip implants now suffer pain, swelling and other complications. One in eight recipient has had to undergo a second surgery to correct the damage caused by the DePuy hip implants. To learn more about the DePuy hip implant recall, follow the link.
  • In July 2012, medical device manufacturer Stryker Orthopaedic recalled their Rejuvenate Modular Hip Implant or ABG II modular-neck hip system. Many recipients now suffer pain or discomfort and require revision surgery.
  • We are also now investigating cases for victims of a recent fungal meningitis outbreak associated with spinal steroid injections distributed by the New England Compounding Center.


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