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Fungal Meningitis Outbreak by State

Starting in September of 2012 the FDA began a case study of a multi-state outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections for individuals who received a contaminated steroid from the New England Compounding Center (NECC), located in Framingham, Massachusetts.

As of October 30, 2015, 753 cases of fungal meningitis, stroke, or infection linked to steroid shots distributed by NECC have been confirmed, and 64 people have already died. Our Chicago-based personal injury lawyers at Levin & Perconti are investigating these cases for outbreak victims throughout the country. For more information, you can learn about the symptoms of fungal meningitis

Presence of Fungal Meningitis in the United States

Here is a breakdown of the number of cases by state, according to information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website. The below data reflects the deaths and cases reported since October of 2015. Cases of fungal meningitis have been reported in twenty different states.

  • Illinois, 2 total cases, 0 deaths
  • Florida: 25 total cases; 7 deaths
  • Georgia: 1 total case; 0 deaths
  • Indiana: 30 total cases, 11 deaths
  • Maryland: 26 total cases, 3 deaths
  • Michigan: 264 total cases, 19 deaths
  • Minnesota: 12 total cases, 1 death
  • North Carolina: 18 total cases, 1 death
  • New Hampshire: 14 total cases, 0 deaths
  • New Jersey: 51 total cases, 0 deaths
  • New York: 1 total case, 0 deaths
  • Ohio: 20 total cases, 1 death
  • Pennsylvania: 1 total case, 0 deaths
  • Rhode Island: 3 total cases, 0 deaths
  • South Carolina: 3 total cases, 0 deaths
  • Tennessee: 153 total cases, 16 deaths
  • Texas: 2 total cases, 0 deaths
  • Virginia: 56 total cases, 5 deaths
  • West Virginia: 7 total cases, 0 deaths

Affected Health Care Facilities

The FDA has also compiled a list of which health care facilities in each state received the steroid that was associated with this fungal outbreak. There were three facilities in Illinois that received the contaminated steroid shots. These facilities were the APAC Centers for Pain Management in Westchester and Chicago as well as the Thorek Memorial Hospital in Chicago. There are also many health care facilities that received contaminated steroids in neighboring states. The full list of affected health care facilities compiled by the CDC is available here.

If you or a loved one has suffered fungal meningitis symptoms or death as a result of a recalled steroid shot from a facility where NECC injections were administered, you should contact our product liability attorneys for a free and confidential case evaluation. We are currently investigating these cases for clients nationwide.

You may call us toll-free at 877-374-1417 or complete our online case evaluation form and one of our attorneys will give you a call to discuss your potential lawsuit and answer any questions you have about the steroid injection recall.

You may also submit your contact information and a summary of your potential case to our website chat operator, and one of our attorneys will call you back as soon as possible.

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