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Stryker Hip Recall Lawsuit

Levin & Perconti is currently investigating claims for individuals throughout the country who have been injured by a recalled Stryker Orthopaedic Rejuvenate Modular Hip Implant or ABG II modular-neck hip system. If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to this medical device, one of our skilled product liability lawyers may be able to help. 

The medical device manufacturer recalled its metal hip implants in July 2012 after a number of recipients experienced problems and complications with the devices. These problems include:

  • Swelling
  • Discomfort
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Trouble walking

The recalled metal-on-metal hip devices are modular-neck stem hip replacement systems that can corrode. When this corrosion occurs, the hip device sheds metal particles onto the tissue surrounding the implant, and this can lead to serious health issues.

Metallosis As a result of metal particles being present in the joint, inflammation can occur. This process is known as metallosis.

Necrosis Metal-on-metal corrosion can also cause the tissue around the implant to die.

Osteolysis Another complication is osteolysis, or bone loss that arises from the body’s reaction to the metal particles.

All of these issues may lead to pain, instability or even dislocation of the device. People who received a defective Rejuvenate hip system often experience severe discomfort and pain, and many eventually require surgery to replace the defective device.

The Stryker Rejuvenate hip system is one of the most widely-used hip implant systems in the country, so the Stryker Orthopaedic Rejuvenate Modular Hip Implant recall will likely affect thousands of people who received these devices. It is estimated that nearly 20,000 people received this type of defective medical device.

What Should You do if You Have Experienced Problems With Your Stryker Orthopaedic Rejuvenate Modular Hip Implant?

If you have experienced pain, swelling or discomfort, or have had to have a revision surgery to fix or replace your Stryker hip, you may be entitled to compensation for the harms caused by this defective medical device.

Our attorneys have represented clients nationwide in similar defective medical device lawsuits, including those related to the 2010 DePuy hip recall. We are experienced in this area and are dedicated to helping victims hold manufacturers accountable when defective medical devices and products lead to serious injury or death.

Feel free to call us toll-free at 877-374-1417 to talk with one of our attorneys, or fill out our online contact form and a lawyer from our office will call you back to discuss your potential lawsuit. We can answer any questions you have, and advise you on your options for filing a Stryker hip recall lawsuit.

All consultations are free, and you will not pay us any fees until or unless we successfully resolve your case.


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