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Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit

Our law firm is investigating claims involving supplemental testosterone therapies. If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack, or other serious medical issues while taking testosterone therapy, contact us at 312-332-2872 to discuss your potential case with one of our experienced product liability attorneys.

Testosterone Therapies to Treat “Low T”

For years, supplemental testosterone therapies were given to men who suffered from hormonal deficiencies as a way to help restore their natural balance and reduce the medical risks associated with low hormone levels. However, in recent years these therapies have been mass marketed as “lifestyle product” to men who may not understand the risks associated with these treatments. Most people are familiar with advertisements touting treatments that claim to help men dealing with decreased sex drive, reduced muscle mass, changes in mood or behavior, or low energy. These ads suggest that these changes are caused by “low T,” and encourage men to seek treatment, including supplemental testosterone therapies applied topically.

Name Brand Testosterone Therapies include but are not limited to:

  • Androgel
  • Androderm
  • Axiron
  • Bio T-Gel
  • Dalatestryl
  • Depo-Testosterone
  • Forestra
  • Striant
  • Testim
  • Testopel

Testosterone Therapy Risks and Injuries

A number of men who have been treated for “low T” using testosterone therapies have experienced serious injuries including:

  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolisms

Recent studies have linked testosterone therapy to an increased risk for cardiovascular problems for some users. One such study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that men being treated with testosterone therapies were 30 % more likely to suffer a stroke, heart attack, or death than those men who did not receive supplemental testosterone therapy.

On January 31, 2014 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it is investigating these risks in men taking FDA-approved testosterone products.

How to Take Action

Many of the health issues associated with supplemental testosterone therapies stem from the manufacturers’ failures to appropriately assess the risks among men with prior histories of cardiovascular issues. Our attorneys are currently investigating individual claims for men who suffered significant health problems following the use of testosterone therapy.

If you have suffered a heart attack, stroke, or lost a loved one who was using testosterone therapy, our attorneys may be able to help you take legal action against the drug manufacturers to seek compensation for the harm caused to you. Call us at 312-332-2872, email us, or contact us through our website chat operator to discuss your potential testosterone therapy lawsuit with an experienced lawyer.


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