Birth Injury Lawsuit Settlements
Levin & Perconti has handled numerous birth injury cases over the years, securing several significant settlements and awards, including:
verdict awarded for a 19-year-old disabled teen who suffered a severe brain injury during birth due to a delayed C-section delivery.
on behalf of a child who suffered brain damage and other injuries after a delayed cesarian section.
verdict on behalf of a child who suffered preventable HIE and asphyxia injuries at birth, resulting in permanent cognitive and developmental impairments.
for the family of a child who suffered brain injury due to lack of oxygen during her birth. Despite nonreactive fetal heart tracings, the Chicago area hospital failed to promptly respond to fetal monitoring and did not arrange for a C-section in a timely manner.
FTCA settlement for a child born at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Guam who suffered a catastrophic hypoxic-ischemic brain injury as a result of a negligent neonatal resuscitation and intubation. Parents were both active duty at the time.
settlement in a case where a newborn suffered a perinatal stroke, brain bleeds, and skull fractures during birth due to a negligent forceps delivery by a Chicago area obstetrical group. The child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result.
settlement for the family of a newborn baby who died as a result of doctor’s failure to perform a timely Caesarean section as well as failing to recognize, report, and respond to non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracings, non-reactive stress tests, and non-reassuring biophysical profiles.
settlement for a child who died as a result of a doctor’s failure to diagnose the mother with an immune disorder while pregnant, which led to an extreme premature delivery at 25 weeks gestation, causing the baby to have respiratory and heart failure which eventually resulted in death at just 2 years old.
settlement against a physician in a wrongful birth case for his failure to tell the mother that testing showed her child had severe birth defects, resulting in the delivery of a profoundly brain-damaged baby.
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