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What Are the Deadlines Involved in Filing a Birth Injury Claim?

Video Transcript

So a common question that we get asked is how much time do I have before I can bring a lawsuit, and there’s different answers depending on the type of lawsuit and the person that was impacted by the negligence at issue. For example, the deadline to file a birth injury claim in Illinois is 8 years, and the same would be true for a minor that’s a victim of medical malpractice. However, there are exceptions. For example, if you’re a minor at the time that you experienced medical malpractice but you’re 17, you have to bring the lawsuit by the time you’re 22. So the most important thing, to not only make sure that your lawsuit is not time-barred, but also to make sure that the lawyers can get a jump on the investigation that needs to be done to see whether or not you have a valid claim, is that you have to act early. You have to reach out to somebody early. Don’t be comforted by the fact that you may have 8 years because, you know, you want to make sure evidence is preserved and things of that nature.

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